Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients
Hi Health Advocates,
Check out this article on 'Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients'
Why I compound and supplement Glutathione every Day ?
Basically its amazing for anyone need Liver rescue . Ever the underdog, few people have heard of this molecule, yet it supports nearly every aspect of our health. Consider these incredible properties:
- By acting as an antioxidant, it prevents wear and tear on your tissues, helping you stay youthful, age gracefully, and remain free of chronic diseases.
- By supporting every-day detoxification, it does far more to keep you toxin-free than any juice fast, herbal cleanse, or detox bath could ever do.
- By helping cells grow, multiply, and repair themselves, it supports growth in children, helps you heal after injury, and helps you get fit in response to exercise.
- In the lungs, it keeps mucus fluid, preventing congestion, and it opens up the airways, preventing asthma.
Although deep inside our cells we make our own glutathione every day, we also consume it in foods and it is available in supplements.
Can We Really Absorb Glutathione?
Yes with the right dose!
Do Glutathione Supplements Need to Be Sublingual or Liposomal?
More advanced products are available that are Liposomal and Sublingual But at what cost ? You weightlifting’s that up at the end of the day you need it .
Glutathione appears to used by the kidney, heart, lung, brain, small intestine, and skin. Nevertheless, it is possible that certain cell types lack the ability to take up glutathione intact, or that many cell types are not able to take up as much as they would need when exposed to stressful conditions. In healthy people, these cells will simply make their own glutathione. People with diabetes, insulin resistance, infection, or chronic inflammation, however, are not able to make as much glutathione as they should. Although poorly studied, liposomal glutathione may be preferable to regular glutathione for you if you suffer from any of these conditions. Additionally, carbohydrate restriction lowers glutathione synthesis, so liposomal glutathione may be helpful for you if you have poor glutathione status while consuming a low-carbohydrate diet.
Why Not Just Use N-Acetyl-Cysteine?
Glutathione is made from three amino acids: glutamine, cysteine, and glycine. In an average healthy person, the limiting amino acid for its production is cysteine. Cysteine itself degrades very easily, and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) provides cysteine in a way that prevents this degradation. While NAC is likely to be effective at supporting glutathione status in many people, glycine may be limiting in other people, and NAC doesn't provide any glycine. Further, people with any of the conditions that impair glutathione synthesis, listed in the paragraph above, will have a more difficult time using NAC to make their own glutathione. Glutathione supplements get around both problems.
What Is the Best Dose of Glutathione?
Over the course of six months, both 250 mg and 1000 mg of oral glutathione have been shown to increase glutathione status in humans. The higher dose may be more effective than the lower dose, but we do not have sufficient data to make a rigorous comparison.
How Do I know If I Should Take Glutathione?
Personally, we compound L-Glutathione because I know the quality and its works for me , however for every-day general health, I recommend obtaining glutathione from foods.
Getting Glutathione From Foods
The food richest in glutathione are meats and vegetables. Fruits tend to occupy the middle tier, and most other foods are low in the glutathione. Processing such as canning and juicing degrades a large portion of the glutathione within a food.
Nevertheless, there is a lot of variation within categories, and I recommend searching our database for the foods you like to eat for a better view of what you are likely eating.
As an example of foods rich in reduced glutathione, consider the following:
Meat: one serving each of pork loin, chicken liver, and steak. 46.2 mgVeggies: one serving each of asparagus, broccoli, and potatoes 46.3 mgFruit: one serving each of avocado, zucchini squash, and tomatoes 36.5 mg
You could eat all of these in a day, obtaining 130 mg of glutathione, and have room left over for plenty of other foods.
It is important to note that a food can be rich in glutathione and still bad for you. French fries, for example, are relatively rich in glutathione, but the high heat and fryer oil makes them a terrible food. A good diet is about more than glutathione. Still, glutathione is great! So check out the database to learn more about the glutathione you're consuming in your current diet.
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